
  • Hiking Elephant Mountain

    *No elephants were harmed during this hike…or spotted. We started yesterday with a hearty breakfast at Loco Food. I ordered a burger with mushroom, bacon and fried egg. Figured the egg makes it a breakfast burger. By the time we…

  • Strollers of the Puppy Kind

    There was a pet convention close to Taipei 101 today and there were lots of people out with their dogs in strollers. Fancy tricked out strollers no less. These puppies look perfectly healthy enough to walk. Whereas this human child…

  • Date with the Garbage Man

    Second night in Taipei, we are on our way to beef noodle when I see bunch of people waiting at the intersection with blue bags. Turns out they are waiting for the garbage truck. When the garbage truck arrived, they…

  • weekly recap #9 – seoul & taipei

    q. current home/addy where i stayed (neighbourhood) and how long a. seoul (same airbnb, itaewon), taipei (airbnb/service hotel #1, zhongzheng) taipei (airbnb #2, daan) q. favourite meal a. roasted goose/duck lunch.  i’ll eat chinese duck on occasion but i’ve never…

  • first 24 hours in… taipei

    joe: what do i like? the deliciousness and familiarity of the food, the clean streets, the orderliness of society and the huge amounts of greenspace within the city itself.  the metro turnstiles are also restricted to only one direction as…